This review shows the targeted site for the prevention of cancer. In normal human, cell proliferation and cell destruction process is controlled by positive and negative regulation. In positive control, two families of proteins; cyclin and cyclin dependent kinases (cdks) have a major role. Each cdk is inactive until it binds to a cyclin, the binding enabling the cdk to phosphorylate the protein(s) necessary for a particular step in the cell cycle. In negative regulation, the mediators either stop the cell cycle or produce cell death (apoptosis). In, lung cancer and other cancer imbalance between positive and negative regulator take place. That means Activation of the positive regulator and inhibition of negative regulator may lead to different cancer. So the cell(s) under goes uncontrollable cell division and differentiation. Worldwide, lung cancer is the most common cancer in terms of both incidence and mortality (1.35 million new cases per year and 1.18 million deaths), with the highest rates in Europe and North America. It is the second most commonly occurring form of cancer in most Western countries Mostly it is develop by inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Damage to chromosomes 3p, 5q, 13q, and 17p are particularly common in small cell lung carcinoma. The p53 tumor suppressor gene, located on chromosome 17p, is affected in 60-75% of cases also Mutations and amplification of EGFR are common in non-small cell lung cancer and inhibit the programmable cell death that means the apoptosis which play major roll in cell death. So these all are the main target for the anti cancer therapy.